Feb 26, 2008

Another Progress in Feb

Oh, I can sip water from straw! It took me less than 5 mins to discover this new skill.
Now I can drink water from bottle, from cup (drip & leak though) and from straw. Mum's trying all ways to entice me to drink more water.


Daddy, Mummy and Didi are all so happy when I can finally sign for "please" one evening while eating my porridge. They clapped! You should look at their faces.
Now I sign "please" whenever I want something but sometimes I get what I want, sometimes I don't. Especially when I "please" to touch a power plug, I always don't get it....I wonder why.....

Feb 15, 2008

Feb 14, 2008

Happy CNY!

Like father, like son..... CNY or Hari Raya? Hmm....
Ang Bao, wats that? Can it be eaten? Let me try....

Ernie? Me?

Feb 12, 2008

First Haircut


Feb 6, 2008

Caleb Imitates


Hey there, do you also notice I am walking along the fence? Not bad hor

My New Toy!

This is a Sit-to-Stand Girraffe, my new found friend...then again, more like mum's new best friend ;p

Candid moments

Dancing with Giraffe