Jul 29, 2008

Interview with Caleb

Testing of Body Parts.....

Testing of Animals.....

Testing of Emotions.....

So do I get the job? ;)

Jul 28, 2008


I cut my hair today.

Erm, yah, that's all I have to say =D


My Weekend

Last weekend was full of activities!

On Saturday, I took an MRT to town for high tea with many of my Yipos at the Sheraton Towers. Yummy chocolate mousse, grapes and petite cuppies.

On Sunday, I went to a house warming lunch, then to Carrefour at Suntec for some grocery shopping, before resting at Gelare for yummy waffle! O, and I had a pkt of vitasoy as appetizer.

I was enjoying the vitasoy so much you know what happened to me when it finished? Look at the photo of the week....kekee

The day ended with durian party at Tai-yipo house - HAPPY!

Singapore Garden Festival

Living in a fast paced society with no time to smell flower?...I have plenty of time to smell flowers. Come, I show you around... =)

But the thing that interest me is still....... hee hee

Jul 21, 2008

Simply breakfast, Simply Bread...

What a great way to start off the day with a hearty breakfast. French toast, Omelette with tomatoes, Plain toast with butter and jam.... LOVELY! All at SiMpLy BrEaD - no chemicals, no preservatives, all NATURAL tasteS...!
I was at the outlet at Guthrie House. If you are keen to have breakfast with me, this is a neat place to consider.

Jul 18, 2008

My first Membership with Explorer Kid

Yoz! I had great fun at the Explorer Kid yesterday with mum, Aunty Caryn and Ian gor-gor. I am now a member of the club, big deal eh! I enjoyed the ball pool and loved going up on the car cushion thinking it is a rocking horse, haha! That's the beauty of a child, always full of imagination. O, be sure to catch me in action on the squirrel cushion! *LOL*

Went on the Ferris Wheel too. It was so attractively litted up in the evening. I was excited at first but got a bit frightened after awhile. Maybe it took me awhile to realise I am actually on high grounds.

Dinner was at but I had my homecooked chicken apple porridge (YUM!). Look, we are little charimen of the meal! Impressive isn't it ;p

I missed my afternoon nap because of this excursion, it was all worth it. But was so exhausted that I fell asleep in the car on the way home and mum had a difficult time waking me up. If you can listen close enough, you can actually hear my snoreZzz!!! *shy shy*

Rejecting Milk NO MORE!

I'm back to my usual routine of milk intake. For the past few days have been drinking 480ml and that hits the average minimum requirement for toddler my age and mummy is happy. Actually nothing much to worry, I'm still a baby and babies are ever changing!! Now smile! =)

Jul 17, 2008

Spiffies Tooth Wipes

I have been using the Spiffies tooth wipes to maintain my oral hygiene in the night before I sleep. Now I am on the second box of wipes which is Grape flavored. The first box I tried was Apple flavored.
I like the Apple better.

There's the Mango flavor too but mum doesn't see it on the shelf, discovered on an online store. I think that is an interesting flavor I would like to try too.

Jul 16, 2008

Part of Growing Up

I really tried my best - thinking one side of the foot does not fit, I go for the second one, still no success, then it turned into frustration.... and mum was laughing at me whole time... *grump* Well, at least I know the shoe is where I put my foot in ;)

Obstacle Crossing - Intermediate

If you have seen the beginner level of obstacle crossing training for me, here is an intermediate level ;p

Jul 12, 2008

Sneak Preview

Something interesting - It's not National Day yet but I got a sneak preview....did you see that?

Yup, it was a relaxing evening with mum at East Coast Beach =) Here are some other pics and video to share...

Caleb looking for ants

Mother & Baby cover page (unedited)...
.....can you guess why am I always on the right side of mum in the pics?

Lessons on Tress & Flowers....

Jul 11, 2008

Rejecting Milk

I have been rejecting milk since two days ago. Before this happens, I was on about 690ml on a good day - 270ml in the morning (that's my first feed), 210ml at tea time and 210ml before I sleep. But there are days where I could be on only 480ml if my pm nap clash with my tea break. (Avg min. milk intake per day for a toddler my age is 480ml)
Somehow since two days ago, I lost interest in milk. I know it is milk, I recognize and said "mumm mumm" but I just refuse to drink it. The adults tried different ways to trick me into drinking but hey, I'm a Gain-IQ boy alright, I know what they are up to, I selected what I want to eat and spit those that I don't want... hee, I think Abbott should consider me as their spokesTod *grinz*
Mum thinks I am reacting this way because of teething. I think I'm still young to understand, can't really tell but I have been really short tempered recently, screaming at the slightest thing. Perhaps too bored cooping up at home whole day. Mum hopes this is just a phase that will pass soon.
O, just to monitor, there will be a Milk Chart during this period recording on my daily milk intake.
Wed, Jul 9 - 270ml -------Mon, Jul 14 - 480ml
Thu, Jul 10 - 170ml ----- Tues, Jul 15 - 480ml
Fri, Jul 11 - 10ml --------- Wed, Jul 16 - 480ml
Sat, Jul 12 - 450ml --------Thu, Jul 17 - 480ml
Sun, Jul 13 - 370ml

Caleb Rocks!

Jul 9, 2008

A Friend's Visit

I had a visit from Gayle this afternoon. We waddled around the house, played slide, ate yoghurt and watched DVD. What a nice afternoon!

Gayle: What do you thk will -----------------Caleb: Aiyo, you have yoghurt
---------happen next? ---------------------------------all ovr your mouth
Caleb: Dunno, still watching. ----------------Gayle: Huh? you are not any better ar


This is my 3rd "major" accident. There're minor ones in between - not reported. The first accident was on my lips. Second time I got a blue black on my left cheek and now, a blue black on my right cheek. How I got it? Walk without looking in front and bumped onto my room door frame, poink! Hope to have my handsome face resumed soon!

Jul 3, 2008

Joining in on the Table Soon

This is about food. I love sharing about food cuz that's where it's closest to my heart....and stomach *grinz*

Last night was the 2nd time I have the same food for dinner as the adults. I mean SAME. I had rice, minced pork wrapped in egg (like a dumpling shape), cabbage (mong kok) & lotus soup, o yummy! How I love adult food! They are much more tastier than those that I normally eat although I know that these table food has been customized slightly for me as well. Because I still do not have that many teeth, the rice was cooked slightly softer, lesser salt in the food, no salt at all in the soup (but it is tasty on its own already). Gee, I feel I'm a big boy now. One thing that will be perfect for dad & mum though is my behaviour at mealtime. Yes I love food but my attention to sit nicely throughout the meal has shortened. There are so many distractions around me I just want my hands on everything! And soon after I lay my hands on them, I thow them on the floor and insist that I have them back again before I agree to open my mouth for another spoonful of food.
I kinda know this exasperates the adults sometimes - its like they will say "hey, you said you want but now that you've gotten it why do you throw it away and then want it back again to have it be thrown again..." Well, I'm not too sure myself the reason but I guess throwing is about the only big action I know what I can do to the things in my hand. Probably next time when I discover what else I can do to things I hold, I can make better use of what's in my hands.

Jul 2, 2008

A cheeky & mischievous Evening

I am in very good mood today and when daddy mummy come back home after work, I especially like to show off to them what I can do. Today, I just love disturbing them at dinner, what a fun evening! ;p

Daddy, I want to play with ---------You want to take my picture?
the tyre around your tummy,------This is my naughty look. Neh Neh Neh...!

Awww....I'm not that -----------------Yes yes, I fell and bump
mischievous. See, ------------------my head but no sweat,
I'm a harmless little kitten. ---------I'm a BOY!

--Caleb and the fridge!