Jul 3, 2008

Joining in on the Table Soon

This is about food. I love sharing about food cuz that's where it's closest to my heart....and stomach *grinz*

Last night was the 2nd time I have the same food for dinner as the adults. I mean SAME. I had rice, minced pork wrapped in egg (like a dumpling shape), cabbage (mong kok) & lotus soup, o yummy! How I love adult food! They are much more tastier than those that I normally eat although I know that these table food has been customized slightly for me as well. Because I still do not have that many teeth, the rice was cooked slightly softer, lesser salt in the food, no salt at all in the soup (but it is tasty on its own already). Gee, I feel I'm a big boy now. One thing that will be perfect for dad & mum though is my behaviour at mealtime. Yes I love food but my attention to sit nicely throughout the meal has shortened. There are so many distractions around me I just want my hands on everything! And soon after I lay my hands on them, I thow them on the floor and insist that I have them back again before I agree to open my mouth for another spoonful of food.
I kinda know this exasperates the adults sometimes - its like they will say "hey, you said you want but now that you've gotten it why do you throw it away and then want it back again to have it be thrown again..." Well, I'm not too sure myself the reason but I guess throwing is about the only big action I know what I can do to the things in my hand. Probably next time when I discover what else I can do to things I hold, I can make better use of what's in my hands.

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