Nov 24, 2009

One week after Palate repair ops

Had a review with the plastic surgeon and the team of nurses today, all are well with palate, thank God! Stictches behind are slightly dirty but not too big a concern, just need to take note on flushing, mummy got tips from nurses today. Will have another review with surgeon in 3 weeks but next week going back clinic to let nurses check on wound cleanliness.

Caden took 300ml in one of his feeds today, boy, he must be farmished! The rest of the feeds avgs at 200ml. He is still on diluted milk, that is, 75% concentration from the norm. It is ok for him to be on full feed but cleansing must be very thorough as the thicker the milk, the more residue on stitches.

Thankful and appreciative for Caleb who is very sensible and understanding during this period of time. Mummy will try to spend more time with Caleb so he may be stimulated more for his learning development.

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