Jul 14, 2007

Prince Diary

@ 6 Months

0700 Morning milk....*slurp* I'm on follow on now...me a growing boy!
0715 Playtime!
0800 Bathing Time....*SPLASH!!*
0900 Nite nite....see you later.... *snooze*
1100 wakie wakie....but since everyone is busy, I shall play by myself
1130 Time to call....*coo...*
1145 Rice cereal time!...ermm...mummy made me porridge once, I think I like that better
1200 Playtime! I like it when my cd is played. I like it when someone reads me a story
1300 ok, time to change diaper...I'm still a M
1400 I cannot hold any longer, need my 2nd nap nap of the day
1530 gooot morning...I'm up, play with me somebody...!
1600 Milk....glorious milk! o, I'm on 210ml now by the way ;p
1615 Playtime...yippie!
1730 It's splashing time again....beware! hiak hiak
1800 See my mood, I may take a really short nap now
1900 Yey, I'm joining daddy mummy for dinner and I get to eat my fav baby bites but no no, i aint gonna hold, someone shall feed me...yum yum.... make me hold and I will complain....wahh... oh...mummy says i have to drink water too...o might as well, otherwise i just cant stop snacking
2000 Ok, I shall settle for a bit of tv with mum & dad, abit of singing and playing with mummy and abit of carrying...i'm just waiting for my last feed of the day
2045 wipe me, clean me...hee, i salivate so much right....
2100 finally milk! slurp slurp....BURP!
2130 I love my bed! Its Rolling Good Time!....*yawn...* goodnight everyone....*snore....*
0700 The next day...actually the truth is, I am usually up about 6+, just want to be more considerate and call later...I'm a good boy, a'int I?

@ 3 Months

0730 Breakfast of Similac - I'm on 150ml now!
0745 Playtime! Yippie
0830 My favourite bathtime, yey!
0900 O...I need my morning nap! *yawnz*
1230 It's.....LUNCHTIME! Woo...glorious breastmilk!! I love breastmilk, taste much better than expensive cow's milk
1245 Playtime....I love Mickey Mouse!
1345 Yawn....I need my afternoon nap
1700 Teabreak, yum yum!! So sad, mummy's weaning off breastmilk and I can only have 1/2 feed of that and fill my other half stomach with cow's milk
1720 Playtime!
1830 Enough of LRT and nature viewing, feel like sleeping but i prefer someone to carry me all the way
1900 Alright...give you guys a break for dinner, I shall try and nap on my own...BUT just for a while ok, so you guys better eat fast
1930 Ok, that's enough, come carry me please...I feel like watching tv
2000 Water parade...mummy says water helps cool my body in these hot weather
2030 Wash, wipe, change and be a clean baby
2100 My last feed of the day....end it with Similac...BURP!
2130 Goodnight Daddy Mummy, I love you!
0300 Mummy, I think I'm a little hungry, can you quick feed me please. I guess I can settle for 120ml in the night
0400 Back to slumberland....
0730 The next day......

Jul 9, 2007

Growing Phases

Faces of 4-6 Months

The inquisitive me...! Hi Teddy!

3mths+ 5mths

Poet in the making....

Time with Daddy & Mummy..I'm well loved!


Why you look at me like that? 1st rice cereal for me.

Teether!....but I dun quite like it.

O...hee...they are my frens, well at least my mummy thks so...

O, where's this strange place?...all fenced up...hmm..

My fav sleeping companion, now this is my true fren!

My many sleeping patterns

Good sleep is important to me...look how cheery I am!

Boss in the making.....dun play play...

Mummy, wear for me please

Ok, the boss is all dressed up...er, where to?

O yey, outdoor activities!!

Who do I resemble more?

Dad, do I give this type of flowers for my girlfriends?

Some said this is artistically taken, well done mum!

Mum, are you sure this is how I swim?

Hee, baby concealer...cover the defects.

Prnce Koil on a King Koil - *Doing..!*

Catch you if I can!

Faces of 0-3 Months

First day of my life in this world. Well, my first communication to the world... of course CRYING.. what else

Thereafter my screaming cries, the nurses finally wrap me up properly.

After 3 days in Geneagles hospital, I am ready to go home with my parents. They told me they had spend alot of money buying my stuffs and let's see whether its true. hmm.. the bed feels comfortable enough but definitely bigger than my hospital bed!

My mummy is trying to burp me now but I am too tired to burpppp....

My first shower at home but I don't like to shower. Ok I shall pee in my bath tub!!!

My first suntan!!!! Do you gals think I have a good tan???

A first taste of sleeping in my Daddy's lap and I better sleep longer if not his lap will be used by his laptop!!!!

My very own car seat and when I need to use this means I have to get out of the house for my 1 month injection.... OUCH!!!!!

I wonder why my parents put me in this position. Backside pain after injection????

This is a very important mile stone... my very first taste of a PACIFIER!!!! as the name self exlpain .. I will only be pacify with a pacifier!!!

How about my first smile? Since it is so nice, my parents will be fighting who has passed me this smile

The force is with Master Caleb

My first push up ..... preparing for NS!!!

My first try on my pram..... I love it!!!! When I use it means I am out of the HOUSE!!!!

OK guys..... my sleeptime now... shhh..... dont make so much noise...

Will update my pictures again in my 4th month....